Call of Duty changed alot since CoD 2... thats obvious, But CoD 2 was the first game i played alot, hell i even had a clan, for CoD 2 MP, was fun times but then World of Warcraft came it took all my friends so the clan exploaded, and i never played a single CoD game seriously again.
Every year when a new CoD game came out i was like "what ever..." i always ended up having them like as a present for my birthday or a really good discount, i kill like 20-30 hours in MP and play the campaing once.
With Black Ops 2 it will be the same, maybe just maybe i will roll in the MP in just a bit longer, i like the looks, and i have to play it to decide.
There is a FoV slider up to 80 and the slider part is good but the 80 part is not so good, some people don't care but i need minimum of 90 FoV to play with out sickness and i prefer 110 for 16:9 in CoD games, but i hear the the devs will add 90 soon in a patch, so its ok.
I got the Digital Deluxe Edition for my Birthday (which is on the16th of november.. but i get my presents a bit erarliar) from a friend of mine :)
It came in a box DVD size, it containd a DVD Box, and the DVD Box was empty, yup empty i say.
Guess Activision wants to cut down the cost on DVD Discs which i find funny, the other thing i find funny that the standerd edition has Mass Effect 2 on the 2nd disc (lol woot... i know!), so i dunno whats goind on there :D
So this edition is just a DVD case and a code inside, the code contains:
- CoD World at War (the whole game which is nice i guess, i did not had it on steam before)
- Nuketown maps (a zombie map and a Future Nuketown map)
- Some extra Player Card Backgrounds (2 nuketown/zombie themed cards)
- And the Soundtrack (the best part the song from Trent Reznor)
Thats all, one code contains all of this.
Its an ok package, and i will report back if there is anything special about this CoD.
But i don't think so :)
tök jó lett ez a kocka, egész jó kis embléma szerkesztőt dobtak a CODba, láttam Disney figurát is csinált már benne valaki :D
VálaszTörléslol, én meg téged is megcsináltalak, kis pink kocka ként mint mindig, az én kis pink kockám :D