2012. december 1., szombat


2012. november 20., kedd

I wanna Raid(erZ)

Oh RaiderZ came out today, i installed it and made a character, hope Shizu will wanting to try this out with little me :P

2012. november 15., csütörtök

Call of Duty Birthday (Black) Ops 2

Call of Duty changed alot since CoD 2... thats obvious, But CoD 2 was the first game i played alot, hell i even had a clan, for CoD 2 MP, was fun times but then World of Warcraft came it took all my friends so the clan exploaded, and i never played a single CoD game seriously again.

Every year when a new CoD game came out i was like "what ever..." i always ended up having them like as a present for my birthday or a really good discount, i kill like 20-30 hours in MP and play the campaing once.
With Black Ops 2 it will be the same, maybe just maybe i will roll in the MP in just a bit longer, i like the looks, and i have to play it to decide.

There is a FoV slider up to 80 and the slider part is good but the 80 part is not so good, some people don't care but i need minimum of 90 FoV to play with out sickness and i prefer 110 for 16:9 in CoD games, but i hear the the devs will add 90 soon in a patch, so its ok.

I got the Digital Deluxe Edition for my Birthday (which is on the16th of november.. but i get my presents a bit erarliar) from a friend of mine :)

It came in a box DVD size, it containd a DVD Box, and the DVD Box was empty, yup empty i say.
Guess Activision wants to cut down the cost on DVD Discs which i find funny, the other thing i find funny that the standerd edition has Mass Effect 2 on the 2nd disc (lol woot... i know!), so i dunno whats goind on there :D

So this edition is just a DVD case and a code inside, the code contains:

  - CoD World at War (the whole game which is nice i guess, i did not had it on steam before)
  - Nuketown maps (a zombie map and a Future Nuketown map)
  - Some extra Player Card Backgrounds (2 nuketown/zombie themed cards)
  - And the Soundtrack (the best part the song from Trent Reznor)

Thats all, one code contains all of this.

Its an ok package, and i will report back if there is anything special about this CoD.

But i don't think so :)

2012. november 13., kedd

2012. november 12., hétfő

Holy Sh!t, To nights the night :D

Monday, awwwh mondays, on this day i get to watch some really cool show like Dexter's 7th episode of the 7th season yay.

Also there is Walking Dead,
SPOILERS if you watch the show!
Finally in the last episode i've seen Lori dies,
thank fuck for that, she was one annoying bitch!

So i can't wait for the next episode, want to see how Rick develops  from now on.
Also there is some other secrets to reavile.

2012. november 10., szombat